Here are the few things you can expect and need to know for your upcoming salon experience.
We will no longer have a waiting room area. You will be required to wait in your car. Once you have parked, text your stylist that you have arrived. Your stylist will contact you to bring you in.
We will take your temperature with a no contact infrared thermometer. Client who has a temperature above 100.3 degrees fahrenheit will not be able to receive services and the appointment will be rescheduled until at least 72 hours after fever and other symptoms have resolved without medication.
You will be asked a few mandatory client screening questions
Have you had a new or worsening cough?
Have you had a fever?
Have you had shortness of breath?
Have you had loss of smell/taste?
Have you been in close contact with anyone with these symptoms or anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
Have you traveled outside that state in the last 14 days?
Appointment will be reschedule if you answers “yes” to any of the questions above until your symptoms (cough, fever and shortness of breath) have been resolved, and fever has been resolved without medication for at least 72 hours, or at least 14 days after contact with a person sick with cough, fever, or diagnosed COVID-19 or if you have traveled outside the state.
Clients are required to wash hands upon arrival.
Please bring in only necessary items. Please leave jackets and unnecessary items in your car.
Please come to your appointment alone. Only those receiving the service will be allowed in. Please make arrangements for your children as they are not allowed to accompany you during your services.
If you are a parent bringing in a child for service, please make sure they are able to be in the salon without you present or we will have to reschedule the appointment. We are required to have 6 feet physical distancing and the salon will not have a place for you to wait.
Face mask required to be worn for the entire duration of your appointment. If you do not have one that loops around the ear, your stylist will have one for purchase. Face mask must cover both nose and mouth at all times.
Covid-19 Liability Release Waiver must be signed before your appointment. You will need to login into Vagaro to fill out and sign the form. If you do not have your login information, please contact your stylist to send you a temporary link to login.
Please respect the health guidelines. If you are sick or anyone in your home is sick during this time, PLEASE RESCHEDULE!
It is recommended to not shampoo or blow dry the hair to eliminate as much unneccesary exposure as possible. Please let us know if you would like to skip the shampoo/blowdry service or if you would like to have your hair shampooed and blow dried with your service.
These guidelines will be updated if/when our guidelines change with OHA. We understand that some of these changes may be a little inconvenient and we thank you for your understanding and patience with us as we navigate thru these unusual times.